Protect Your Organisation

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will affect all UK Healthcare

'The cost of non-compliance is far greater than the cost of compliance itself'

GDPR Countdown

to 25th May 2018

The Company

CONTEXT Compliance recognises the need within Healthcare to embrace an ever-increasing demand for governance, risk management and compliance, driven by the growing demands & expectations of statutory authorities, regulators, clinicians and patients.

Our in-depth experience within healthcare delivery extends over many years have informed our insights into the unique (and not so unique) problems around this area in order to create a solution for an imperative in today’s health system.

The Approach

We strongly believe that a solid compliance and governance structure can be created across your organisation utilising a light touch method of automation based upon state-of-the-art technology to enhance the effective workflow within the workplace.

The CONTEXT Compliance solution will address the issues raised by GDPR creating greater transparency between the business and consumer. This will build trust and reputation within your workplace, be it a Hospital Trust, GP Practice or Aged Care Facility as examples.

The Difference

We are non-prescriptive in our approach. The design and implementation of risk management plans and frameworks will need to take into account the varying needs of a specific organisation.

The oversight of the maintenance of sound risk management and internal control systems remain at the centre of corporate governance: CONTEXT Compliance will assist you with this on your terms.

Compliance, Governance and Risk Management

Within healthcare, there are probably no other words that create such a wide range of reactions across an organisation: fear of a regulation breach at the senior level, multiple onerous tasks, clinicians who believe that this is a manager’s job ... and the list goes on.

We are constantly being told that we should implement this culture of Compliance, Governance and Risk Management within the workplace as a core management focus and discipline, without being given the tools to make this happen in a way that doesn’t get in the way of our day-to-day clinical work.


The process by which policies are set and decision making is executed.

Risk Management

The process for ensuring that important business processes and behaviours remain within the tolerances associated with those policies and decisions.


The process of adherence to policies and decisions

(1) Gartner on EGRC 2011

Core Ingredients

  • An integrated, dedicated and robust framework
  • Visible, transparent, and satisfies all audiences
  • Non-prescriptive and adapts to healthcare culture, both at a clinical and corporate level
  • Embraces all directives, programs, regulations and standards
  • Focuses on process as well as outcomes and continual improvement

CONTEXT Compliance

Our company takes the view that the software is only part of the answer. In order to change the organisation’s culture for the better, we need to deliver a solution that fits within the healthcare ecosystem without causing it to grind to a halt due to over-regulation.

The CONTEXT Compliance solution provides an automated approach to drive a proactive, accurate and auditable process that is intuitive and easy to use across all levels of the organisation.

The simple design facilitates telling you what you need to know when you need to know! The compliance engine beneath the surface takes care of the hard work of maintaining adherence to regulatory standards with relevant escalation alerts in a comprehensive yet not complicated way.

Risk Management at the Heart of Good Governance

CONTEXT Compliance is the GDPR technology solution for you:

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